Pastured Chicken

We are excited to share our pastured broiler chickens so start making room in your freezer! The chicken we raise is a slower red broiler. All our birds are fed only organic feed, fresh pasture, and are supplemented with kelp and minerals to produce the most nutritious birds possible. [more]

While brooders are an essential part of growing out day old chicks, it is essential to get those birds out as early as possible to produce nutrient dense birds with the nutrition from the grass. We include chopped grass in the chick feeders when they are in the brooder so that they recognize the taste and nutrition of grass when they get out.

Once they are out on grass we move the birds daily to keep a fresh salad bar in front of them at all times.

We sell at the Sacramento Central Farmers Market – Sundays April – December. Beginning February 2020, we are also offering our chicken at the Sunday Walnut Creek Farmers market!

For more information or to pre-order chickens please contact us.

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