Posted on : 02-07-2018
Last year, the demand for apricots outstripped production. If you'd like to reserve a case or more for your canning project or restaurant, email now.
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Posted on : 02-07-2018
We are excited to share with you our pastured broiler chickens so start making room in your freezer! The chicken we raise is a slower red broiler. All our birds are fed only organic feed, fresh pasture, and are supplemented with kelp and minerals to produce the most nutritious birds possible. [more] Management: While brooders are an essential part of growing out day old chicks, it is essential to get those birds out as early as possible to produce nutrient dense birds with the nutrition from the grass. We include…
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Posted on : 02-07-2018
We are so excited to bring you the first of our nutrient dense grass fed beef from our farm in the Capay Valley. Our irrigated pastures and free choice mineral buffet produce grass finished beef of the highest quality. Our animals are managed intensively, moved daily on pasture to build soil and produce the most tender beef. Illness is prevented by providing all the nutrition our animals need in the portions that they choose. We do not medicate our animals but offer individual mineral salts so that they can choose…
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